Class Warfare – Fighters, Part 2

    Class Warfare
    Class Warfare
    Class Warfare - Fighters, Part 2

    Listen in on the action as your favorite hosts each roll up a different Fighter subclass and pit them against a Deadly+ encounter! In part one, available on Youtube, we…

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      Replay: Fighter Subclasses Double Feature!

      Tabletop Journeys
      Tabletop Journeys
      Replay: Fighter Subclasses Double Feature!

      Happy Saturday everyone! Today’s replay is a mashup of both episodes where we talked about the Fighter Subclasses. It was a rollicking good time, and I will state for the…

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        Episode 19 – Fighter Subclasses, Part 2

        Character Class Rankings
        Character Class Rankings
        Episode 19 - Fighter Subclasses, Part 2

        Welcome to the second part of our rankings of the Fighter Subclasses. We hope you enjoyed Part 1, and let me assure you that Part 2 is just as exciting…

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