Episode 28 – Cleric Domains, Part 2

    Character Class Rankings
    Character Class Rankings
    Episode 28 - Cleric Domains, Part 2

    Here is the second part of our deep dive into the Cleric Spell domains, and this is another great episode. If you haven’t listened to the first one from last week, we do strongly recommend checking it out because there is a lot of discussion at the front of the episode about the Cleric Class. Josh had said at one point that this was probably his favorite of the subclass discussions, and we hope you agree that there are some real surprises in this episode!

    And just for grins, here is the way all the scores shook out. There are some pretty wild swings in those stats!

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    One thought on “Episode 28 – Cleric Domains, Part 2

    1. Have to make a shout out to Glen for being very aware how mechanics for the Grave Cleric is BIG time scenario changer. As a fan of Critical Role the two domains featured were Trickster and Grave. The Grave cleric when timing with hard hitting players can just cripple your boss in no time and the critical cancel was so effective in keeping his party up. Add the spare the dying at range and wow, just a machine in keeping the party alive. For vulnerability think combining with a Paladin Smite or a Rogue backstab and you can see where the numbers get crazy

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