COMING SOON TO A TABLE NEAR YOU – ACTION 12 CINEMA!!! In Act 2: A Wing and A Prayer, J@gg3r, Cal, and Stan begin to put the pieces of the puzzle together and all signs point to mystical convergence in Ireland! Mainstream media thinks their nuts and the government may be in on it, so it is up to them to save the world… But how will they get across the Atlantic with all major airlines grounded?!?
Where to find the Show:
Website: https://ttjourneys.com/
Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/ttjourneys
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ttjourneys/
Email: podcast@ttjourneys.com
Hosted by: Josh Newton, Glen Myers, & A. Lewanika Miller
Theme Music: www.patreon.com/mcromusic
Additional Music: 500 Miles, by Happy Hour Band
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